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Evening Schedule
Lake Creek Campmeeting tent
2018 Lake Creek Campmeeting
July 29-August 5, at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, July 29
Rev. Jim Simpson, District Superintendent of the Heartland District
Kim and Haleigh Ferguson
Monday, July 30
Rev. Jim Downing, First United Methodist Church of Sedalia
First UMC Praise Team
Pizza and board games at 6 p.m.
Tuesday, July 31
Rev. Loren Whetsell, First United Methodist Church of Warsaw
Warsaw First UMC Praise Team
S'mores following the service
Wednesday, August 1
Rev. Drew Hill, Memorial Baptist Church of Arlington, VA
Cole Camp German Choir
Trivia contest following the service
Thursday, August 2
Rev. Ray Varnado, First United Methodist Church of Thibodaux, LA
Cole Camp UMC Praise Team
Hot dogs at 6 p.m.
Friday, August 3
Children's Sermon
Lake Creek Vacation Bible School Program
Watermelon and capture the flag following the service
Saturday, August 4
Rev. Dennis Harper, Wesley United Methodist Church of Sedalia
Music by The Wesley Faithful Men
Fish Fry from 5-6:30 p.m.
Sunday, August 5
Bishop Robert Farr
Lake Creek UMC and Smithton UMC Choirs
*Please note that all events and times are subject to change.
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